2018 Literature
Holiday Reinhorn is the author of BIG CATS: Stories from Free Press. Her fiction has appeared in numerous literary magazines, including, Tin House, Zoetrope and Ploughshares, and has been anthologized in THIS IS NOT CHICK LIT, THE WORST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE, and NAMING THE WORLD. The audio book version of “Big Cats” featuring a full cast of award winning actors was released last year by Penguin/Random House.
A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Holiday is the recipient of a Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction and a Carl Djerrassi Fiction Fellowship from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Along with her husband, the actor, Rainn Wilson and Educational Psychologist, Dr. Kathryn Adams, Holiday co-founded the Lidè Foundation, an arts and education initiative in rural Haiti which currently serves over 500 adolescent girls in 14 village locations.
Holiday lives in Los Angeles where she is currently at work on a new collection of stories. The title story of the book “Our Lady of Perpetual Sadness,” will appear in American Short Fiction this fall.